Major Plot In Eaters Of Dust by Prof. Duruoha Major Plot In Eaters Of Dust by Prof. Duruoha - NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG Major Plot In Eaters Of Dust by Prof. Duruoha | NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG

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Major Plot In Eaters Of Dust by Prof. Duruoha

Nduwex a boy of seventeen and a mess boy in the Sergent mess is from Umudiopara. Since the war began in July 7th 1967 he had never fought in the fronts rather he stayed back and cooked for the sergents unlike his friend China from Umuakara, who is some months older than him is a batsman for Ebenezer Odogwu alias Bazooka, he has fought in front with his master and only come to the rear with his master a recent redeployment. Bazooka, China's master was regarded as a brave warrior by Ndu due to his guts. He was admired by China who wished to be like him. Nduweze's mother had pleaded with him to return home to her but he refused. China and Ndu went to went to Bazooka 's room and knocked he let them in and sent China to go and call Sergent Agor  but Chima told him they had gone out but he yelled and  told Chima to Obey but later called him back. Bazooka murmured on how he would carry his load or property and Maria suggested that they carried it in their head but Bazooka frowned at the idea. Maria had once been set on by a gang of robbers who knocked her down and took all her money but Bazooka had pursued and tracked them down and recovered the money that was how they met.
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