8 Shocking Reasons Why So Many Educated People Are Poor. 8 Shocking Reasons Why So Many Educated People Are Poor. - NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG 8 Shocking Reasons Why So Many Educated People Are Poor. | NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG

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8 Shocking Reasons Why So Many Educated People Are Poor.

Why are so many educated poor? even after having so many degrees,
On this article I will be sharing with you, 8 shocking reasons why so many educated people are
poor, reason number 5 is the most important. So try and read this article till the end.
1.Many Educated People Are Poor Because Financial Education Isn't  Given In Schools :
Wait a moment and think about it each time you mention education the first thing people think about is school and whenever we we think about school about school we assume that school should teach children everything about life, the opposite is the truth, take for instance you can be a medical doctor or a lawyer and know everything about law Profession unfortunately that doesn't mean that you anything about money. Infact you can be an accountant who presses calculator to calculate millions of dollars again that doesn't mean you know anything about money, LOL.
The reason why most professions don't know anything about money is because school wasn't design to give education about money and it doesn't matter how long or how many years or how many degrees you get in a formal education system, am sorry you may not know anything about money
and because you know nothing about money you may be dead broke Even with 5 degrees.
What is the way out?
Get financial education by reading good books about money.
2.Second reason why most people are poor is because most people become uneducated immediately after college :
What exactly do you think education is? For so many people in the world education is that degree they go and get, for others education is their certificate and degree "Don't tell anyone "Also Read :5 Important Lessons People Learn Too Late In Life
Education isn't what you get in the classroom, education is what you get everyday of your life.
A truly educated man is that man who learns everyday, Education is like food as necessary as water, if we wake up everyday to take oxygen and to eat then we should get education every day.
Now, this is not the case for some people because immediately their first degree they don't learn anything meaningful again as they believe that they are already educated.
What is the way out? Start seeing education as you see water, water isn't what you drink once in your lifetime water is what you take every day in your life.
3Many educated people are poor because the more time you spend in school, the more you are likely to love Job.
Lets face it because school was design to train you on how to become an employee the more time you spend in that four walls the more you are likely to love Jobs. Because jobs gives you Levirage to create wealth the more you love jobs the less you are likely to become poor in a simple math loving job simply means you are going to work for the rest of your life with a single brain and with two hands and nobody in the world create Wealth that way. Truly wealthy peopleWho could work with 10,20 and 50 brains and unfortunately no job allows you to do that, so because you cannot work with 100 hands or work with 50 brains you don't have the leverage like orther people like entrepreneurs have in creating wealth.
What is the way out?
While everyone cannot be entrepreneur, everyone can get financial education, learn and master the art of investing, so even if you're an employee you can learn about money and investing, properly and be financially independent.
4.The forth Reason why Many Educated People Are Poor Is because so many educated people believe they are educated are actually arrogant.
So many people because they have have degrees they so believe other guys who did not go to a high school doesn't know anything, in this case they are not humbly enough to learn.
What most arrogant people don't know is that young no matter there level of formal education are the ones who know where the world is going and few of the young people who really know what they are doing know so much about wealth.
Look at the internet for instance so many people who are 50years old don't really understand anything about how the internet works on how they can use it to create wealth While on the other hand an average 17years old that knows alot about internet is building wealth with it.
Do not be unnecessarily arrogant because you think you have degrees many young people who never go to high school are building unbelievable wealth, using modern technology and
the internet.
Be humble and learn from the next generation.
5.The Fifth Reason Why Many Educated People Are Poor Is Because, so many highly paid people buy a lot of liabilities.
You see it everywhere a guy who earns 70dollars a year, thinks he is rich ,most expensive smartphones ,latest cars, biggest TV sets.
6.The Sixth Reason Why So Many People Are  Could be Poor Is Because Many Educated People Do lose their jobs.
In today's economy it doesn't matter how many degrees you have, anything can happen ,then you lose your job.6 Things You Should Never Tell A Man
Now this doesn't mean people don't loose their businesses ,every now and then people loose their business too, but when you compare the possibility of losing your business to the possibility of losing a job, then you going to see the difference .
An employee's Job depends on the decision of another man while an entrepreneur is in control of his job.
7.The seventh Reason why So Many Educated people Are Poor is because The more time you spent in the classroom the more you are likely to live your life alone.
8.The last Reason Why So Many Educated People Could Be Poor Is Because taxes Are Made For Them.
In August 2011 Warrant Buffet wrote an opinion piece in New York times ,he wrote about his 2010 federal taxes rate of 17.4 % compare to 36.0% average rate paid by the twenty other workers in his office.
How come the poor pay less taxes than the rich, taxes done every where in the world was made for the employee's so the more money you make the more
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