Beatrice Beta,Takes Over As RSU Sug Vice President. Beatrice Beta,Takes Over As RSU Sug Vice President. - NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG Beatrice Beta,Takes Over As RSU Sug Vice President. | NIGERIANS #1 GIST BLOG

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Beatrice Beta,Takes Over As RSU Sug Vice President.

SUN. 1ST SEPT. 2019.
Few weeks back our journey started as aspirants who vyed for position/office in the student Union Government, we were not let down. Our predecessors inspired and challenged us throughout this quest to help us achieved our goals, we work hard to get where are today. Together we made it through a stream of voting, screening and electioneering process, and here we are.
Another remarkable leaf is about to be flipped open in the pages of quality and effective service contained in purposeful leadership book which I personally christened “shaping tomorrow together”.
As the SUG Vice president, I will like to state my leadership vision in line with my manifesto. The office of the Vice president will not be ceremonial and dormant as some people assume. This office shall be committed in the provision, service and achievement of some key issue on campus, such as,

i. Provision of drop boxes for complaints
ii. Provision of medical checkup for students.
iii. Provision and introduction of pet programme on drug Abuse.
iv. Provision of scholarship for at least two student (Male and Female)
v. The organization of town hall meeting every Saturday and many more extracurricular activities.
Dear acolytes, distinguished comrades and indeed the entire students of our great institution, today marks a date where those who have made students proud will exit the scene in order to usher in new sets of leaders.
Luckily I have the privilege to be among them which is not a testimony that I was the best fit for the job but rather a reposition of confidence conferred on me by the electorates.
Going forward I would like to pay tribute to those who have made sacrifices to ensure that student Unionism thrive, holding tight to the belief that it is a breeding ground for future leaders. I must sincerely commend all the students for their peaceful disposition during and after the election, for you have proven to be the icons of this noble struggle. For every participant who contested this election but sadly enough did not emerge, I want to state that you are the real winner despite the outcome of the election result, I commend your consciousness, doggedness and courage in pursuing your course till the last day and your acceptance of the outcome therefore makes you heroes and defenders of our great union which you have at all time sought to protect.
I entirely must as a necessity pay glowing tribute Dean of student affairs; Prof. Zebb and the Vice chancellor of the University as well as the school Management for creating an enabling environment for student unionism to thrive. You have been wonderful and exceptional in all your dealings.
My administration shall pay attention to constitutional administration for legitimacy to ensure, knowing that it is because of the student welfare that the student Union Government exists: without them we will not be here.
To achieve this herculean task, the input of all and Sundry is very much needed to make this phase very fulfilling one. My administration will take the government back to the student by creating the platform where opinions will be sought and in the same vein as suggestion, criticism and complaints would be channeled to. This I strongly belief that with a robust and effective communication between the servants and the students, the dividends of unionism will be delivered.
The office of the Vice president is going to work in nexus with other arms of the union Government such as the SRC and the SJC for proper administration and policy formulation. The various unions, Association, Groups and campus Fellowship will serve as a base and forerunner of the administration. For the time being of our tenure in office we shall make sure that we work for students and for the campus development.
I will run an open door policy where accountability will be my watchword. I AM FOR THE ENTIRE STUDENT AND NOT ONE PARTICULAR GENDER. I am grateful to God and you all, for electing me as your Vice president. God bless you.
Long Live RSU!
Long Live Rivers State!
Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria!
SUG Vice President
Beatrice Beta Kpobari
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